6D 5N Hanoi City - Halong - Tam Coc trip
Day 1 Hanoi
Arrive at Noi Bai Airport. Meet and transfer to hotel. Overnight in Hanoi.
Day 2 Hanoi City Tour ( Breakfast. Lunch)
Morning, after breakfast, pick up from the hotel from 7.30am to 8.15am and start the tour of this cultural capital. You will enjoy the visitation of the final resting place of our nation’s great father (also known as Uncle Ho), Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum, his Stilt House, where he lived on and off from 1958 to 1969, his museum, where you will learn more about the president and what he has done for our country as well as other countries. Afterwards, visiting One Pilar Pagoda, a group of structures consisting of a pagoda and a tower built in the shape of a lotus in the middle of a lake. (symbol of peace) then proceed to the Temple of Literature, the first college of Vietnam which was built in the early 11century as a dedication to Confusius and later opened for scholars.
After a cultural and historical enriching morning you will be treated to a lunch a popular local restaurant and visit Ngoc Son Temple on the Hoan Kiem Lake (Restored Sword Lake). And lastly you will enjoy a visit of the traditional pottery and ceramic village of Bac Trang village a short 20km away from Hanoi. Return to the hotel.
Day 3 Hanoi - Ha Long Bay - Cat Ba Island (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner )
7.45am – 8.15am: Pick up at Hotel and leave for Ha Long city. Short break in Hai Duong province & visit humanity center around 20 minutes . Arrive in Ha Long at approx 11.45am. Get on Boat and start cruising around Ha long bay, you will see many islands such as Stone dog Island, Toad islet, fighting cocks Island, etc…
PM: Have a lunch on the boat.Visit Thien Cung and Dau Go Grotto. Then cruising towards Cat ba Island, drop anchor at Gia Luan harbour, bus pick up there and crossing National Park to Cat Ba town, check in hotel.
Day 4 Ha Long - Hanoi (Breakfast, Lunch)
7am – 7.30am: Check out & have a breakfast, After that, get on the bus to Gia Luan harbour, take the boat to cruise on Ha Long bay and return to Ha Long City. Have a lunch in a restaurant in Ha long city
PM: Return to Ha Noi, via Hai Duong province for short-break.4.15pm: Arrive in Ha Noi city, check in the hotel.
Day 5 Hanoi - Tam Coc (Breakfast, Lunch)
At 7:30-8:15 am Pick up from hotel. It take about 2.5hrs to arrive in Ninh Binh town to visit Hoa Lu – the ancient citadel of Vietnam on 10th century. Enjoy a trek to the King Dinh’s Tomb on a terraced hillside and gaze down at the ancient capital in the beautiful Truong Yen Valley below.After Lunch, Board sampans at Tam Coc to ferry down the Boi river. The boat goes through 3 cavernous limestone tunnels, offering a cool break from the sunshine and astounding views of the cave structures. Afterwards, return to Tam Coc and going back to Hanoi. Overnight at Hanoi.
Day 6 Hanoi ( Breakfast)
Free n Easy until transfer to airport for departure. End Tour.
RM639/person (Hanoi: EZ Holiday Hotel**; Halong: Sunflower 1 Hotel***)
RM800/person( Hanoi: Imperial Hotel***; Halong: Sunflower 1 Hotel***)
RM830/person (Hanoi: Luxor Hotel***; Halong: Sunflower 1 Hotel***)
RM958/person (Hanoi: Platinum Hotel *** ; Halong: Holiday View Hotel ***)
All +RM30/person upgraded to overnight at VIP Junk at Halong Bay
Please add RM30/person is there is only 2-3 persons
Full transportation by car as tour program indicated.
2 ways airport transfer
4 nights stay at Hanoi, 1 night stay at Cat Ba Island
Meals as tour program indicated
Water Puppetry Show ( By walking )
Guide service in Halong Bay, Tam Coc and Hanoi City Tour ( Joining Trip)
Air fare, insurance, tips, drinks, personal expenses, emergency transfers.
六天五夜 河内 -下龙湾 -华鲁 (三谷碧洞) 之旅
第一天∶吉隆坡– 河内
第二天 河内市区游(早餐,午餐)
第三天∶河内-- 下龙湾(早、午、晚餐)
7.45am- 8.15am收拾行装离开旅馆前往下龙市。途中停留海阳 省,参观人文中心约20分钟。约莫11.45am抵达下龙市,上船游览下龙湾,港湾小岛星罗棋布,有石狗岛、蟾蜍岛、斗鸡岛等。午餐设在船上。接着参观天宫洞 和道去(浮木石窟),船朝吉婆岛穿行,停泊在范家湾,上巴士穿越国家公园到达吉婆镇,入住旅馆。尽情领略夜间吉婆岛的幽静祥和。
第四天∶下龙湾 -- 河内 (早、午餐)
7am--7.30am离开旅店,用早餐,上巴士往范家湾,乘船游下龙湾,回到下龙市,午餐。下午回河内,途经海阳省,小休片刻。4.15pm抵达河内。自由活动。到36老街感受“血拼” 的魅力。 第五天∶河内–华鲁 (三谷碧洞) (早餐,午餐)大约8AM,出发到宁冰。参观华鲁古都后,便到三古碧洞游山玩水-乘小舟路经三个美丽壮观的山洞,看看四周青山绿水,非常美丽动人的风景,让你悠闲地渡过一个美好的下午。回程。大约6点抵达河内。自由活动。
第六天∶河内– 吉隆坡(早餐)
如今的首都河内人口近300 万,有綠樹成蔭的街道,碧波蕩漾、垂柳倒映的湖面,景色清又寧靜。古街與現代建築、法國式別墅建築和諧地結合,加上衆多名勝古跡和傳説故事,是河内富有思情劃意,魅力無窮。
• 胡志明陵墓:建于1973 年,落成于1975年的胡志明陵墓安放着前越南总统胡志明先生遗体供游人凭吊,陵墓原地为1945年9 月2 日胡志明先生向国民发表越南独立宣言之所在地。
• 一株廟:此祠廟建在一根柱子之上,造型獨特,外型雖小,但卻是越南的代表古剎,而寺廟立在蓮花池中的優雅姿態,已成為河內的一個象徵。
• 文廟 :河內保持最好且最美的古蹟,文廟建於 1070 年李朝時代,為祭祀孔子,雖歷經千年的時間,依然保持原始的風貌。
• 36 古街:這古色古香的傳統商店街,源自十五世紀,每一條狹窄的街道均以當時交易的商品來命名,如絲街、米街、紙街、珠寶街等,共有36 條,並於古街內訂製一個花漾年華。
1000 多個奇特的岩石浮現在寧靜的海面上,人稱是『海上桂林』,這就是越南的一大風景名勝-下龍灣。這個地名中『Ha』是下降的意思,『Long』是龍,傳說從前受到外敵侵略,幸好有龍王之子降臨替他們解除了外患的危機,並使海上升起許多奇岩怪石,以防衛外海。深沉的海,此傳說讓這個景像,四周瀰漫著神秘的氣氛。1994 年,下龍灣被聯合國教育科學及文化組(UNESCO)列入世界遺產。
6D5N North Vietnam Tour